How should you type?

When typing, the fingers should be positioned on the home row of the keyboard, which is the row of keys where the letters ASDF and JKL; are located.

The left hand should have the pinky finger on the A key, the ring finger on the S key, the middle finger on the D key, and the index finger on the F key.

The right hand should have the index finger on the J key, the middle finger on the K key, the ring finger on the L key, and the pinky finger on the semicolon ; key.

The thumbs should rest on the spacebar, which is located at the bottom center of the keyboard.

When typing, the fingers should move fluidly from key to key, without lifting them too high off the keyboard. It's also important to maintain a light touch on the keys, using just enough pressure to register the keystrokes without unnecessary strain on the fingers.